A second international virtual large group to support Ukrainian colleagues is placed on Sunday 17th April 21.00-22.30 Greek Israeli Ukrainian Time zone. This group will take place in English without translators. It is organized by The Tel Aviv Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Greek Institute for Relational and Group Psychotherapy. The large group occurs as many members of the previous one asked for as well as to compensate for those that had experienced technical difficulties to enter on our end. This large group experience will not serve as a managerial or financial tool for participants to offer their solutions for helping the vulnerable population. It will serve as an emotional exchange between participants on how our social unconscious is influenced by such cruel incidents in conscious ways of being and relating to one another, ourselves, the humanity as a whole.
Please find attached a letter together with bank information from the EFPP Board Concerning HELP UKRAINE. For any questions please feel free to contact us at info@efpp.org or any of the EFPP section chairs. Adult section chair: hmessner@btinternet.com C&A section chair: mtdiez@bluewin.ch PCFP section chair: cpap.cristina@gmail.com Group section chair: urilevin123@gmail.com |
Letter To All Delegates HELP UKRAINE |
Please find in the attachment (click the bottom below) a statement on behalf of the EFPP Board and President María Eugenia Cid Rodríguez. Take care. |
Please find this letter from the Adult Section of Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (SPP) in Moscow and the President of SPP Kuzminok Genady. |